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Frequently Asked Questions

For an explanation of some of the terms used here, visit our Glossary.

For a more detailed description of the Tribunal’s hearings, read our Guide to the Tribunal Process.

What is the Tribunal

“Tribunal” refers to the Ontario Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Discipline Tribunal, the Ontario Chiropodists and Podiatrists Discipline Tribunal, the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal and the Ontario Registered Psychotherapists Discipline Tribunal. Each one is the Discipline Committee for their respective health college. The Tribunal is like a court. It holds hearings and makes decisions about whether a registrant committed an act of professional misconduct or is incompetent. It also decides applications from registrants who want their certificate of registration reinstated.

How does a case get to the Tribunal?

The College investigates complaints received from the public. The College’s Registrar may also ask that a registrant be investigated. The results of either investigation may be considered by the College's Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC). The ICRC decides whether to refer any allegations to the Tribunal for a hearing.

What is a Notice of Hearing?

The Notice of Hearing contains the College’s allegations against the registrant.

Can I find out the allegations in a hearing?

Yes. The Notice of Hearing and a summary of the allegations are posted to the College's public register on its website..

What is a reinstatement hearing?

A registrant whose certificate of registration was revoked or suspended by the Tribunal may apply to have it reinstated so they can return to practice.

Who hears Tribunal cases?

The Tribunal usually hears cases in panels of five. It is made up of both registrants and public members. Each panel is selected by the Chair and panels hearing the merits and penalty include an experienced adjudicator chair, registrants of the College and members of the public.

What is an electronic hearing?

An electronic hearing can be held in writing, by telephone or videoconference. Members of the public can obtain a link to watch videoconference hearings: for the Ontario Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Discipline Tribunal, click here, for the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal click here and for the Ontario Registered Psychotherapists Discipline Tribunal email

What is an in-person hearing?

An in-person hearing occurs when the parties, lawyers and panel are all physically present in the same place.

What is a self-represented party?

A registrant who chooses to represent themself at the Tribunal is a self-represented party.

What are the three types of Tribunal hearings?

There are three hearing types: merit, penalty and motion. The Tribunal also holds hearings on applications for reinstatement. Please see the Guide to the Tribunal Process for more detailed descriptions.

What is a merits hearing?

At a merits hearing, a Tribunal panel will hear evidence and submissions from the parties and decide whether the College has proven the allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence against the registrant. For a more detailed description of the merits hearing, please see the Guide to the Tribunal Process. 

Contested, uncontested, or partially contested hearings …. what’s the difference?

In a contested hearing, the registrant denies the College’s allegations.

In an uncontested hearing, the registrant agrees with the facts the College says support the allegations and admits they amount to misconduct or incompetence. A registrant may also plead “no contest” to the allegations. That means the registrant doesn’t admit or deny the facts but isn’t “contesting” the finding of misconduct or incompetence.

In a partially contested hearing, the College and the registrant agree on some issues, but not all. Usually, in a partially contested hearing, the registrant admits, or does not contest, misconduct, but the parties do not agree on the penalty.

Can I find out if a hearing is contested or uncontested?

Yes. Contact the Tribunal Office by emailing or call (416) 968-5173. 

What is a motion?

When a party wants a decision from the Tribunal about an issue affecting the hearing, it must make a motion. See the Guide to the Tribunal Process for more information about motions.

What penalties can the Tribunal order?

The Tribunal can:

  • revoke the registrant’s certificate of registration, which means they can no longer practise the profession.
  • suspend the registrant’s certificate of registration, which means they cannot practise the profession for a set time.
  • impose terms, conditions and limitations on the registrant’s certificate of registration, such as limitations on the registrant’s practice, required training or monitoring.
  • reprimand the registrant.
  • require the registrant pay a fine of up to $35,000 to the Minister of Finance.
  • if the act of professional misconduct was the sexual abuse of a patient, require the member to reimburse the College for funding provided to that patient for therapy and counselling.

Can the Tribunal order an immediate suspension of a registrant’s certificate of registration?

Yes. Where the Tribunal finds certain types of sexual abuse of a patient occurred it must immediately suspend the registrant’s certificate of registration. ICRC manages issues of interim suspension in other circumstances.

What is a joint submission on penalty?

This means the parties agree on the penalty and costs. They present their proposed joint submission on penalty to the Tribunal at the penalty hearing.

Is revocation for sexual abuse of a patient mandatory?

Section 51(5) of the Health Professions Procedural Code specifies acts of sexual abuse which, if proven, will result in revocation of the registrant’s certificate of registration

Can the Tribunal order a party to pay costs?

Yes. The Tribunal can order the registrant to pay costs of the hearing and investigation to the College. The Tribunal may also order the College to pay costs to a registrant if it decides the commencement of proceedings was unwarranted.

What is a reprimand?

In a reprimand, the panel speaks directly to the registrant about their wrongdoing.

Can a member of the public watch a hearing or reprimand?

Yes. All hearings are open to the public. Members of the public can obtain a link to watch videoconference hearings:

  • for the Ontario Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Discipline Tribunal, click here;
  • for the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal click here; and
  • for the Ontario Registered Psychotherapists Discipline Tribunal email

What happens if I am a witness at a hearing?

The panel chair will ask you to promise to tell the truth. The party who asked you to come to the hearing will question you, followed by the lawyer for the other side. See the Guide to the Tribunal Process and the Witness Guide for more information.

How long does the Tribunal take to reach a decision and release its reasons?

When the hearing is uncontested, the Tribunal usually announces its decision at the hearing and gives its reasons in writing later. When the hearing is contested, it will likely reserve its decision until a later date.

The Tribunal’s goal is to release written reasons — and its decision, if not given at the hearing — within 12 weeks of the last hearing day or last written submission.

Where can I find the Tribunal’s decisions and reasons?

Tribunal reasons and decisions are freely accessible and searchable on the Canadian Legal Information Institute’s (CanLII) website. They are also available on the College’s public register by searching for the registrant.

Can I access hearing documents?

Yes. The notice of hearing is posted to the registrant’s profile on the College’s public register.

You may access other documents in the Tribunal’s public record of the proceeding by submitting a request. Please see the Practice Direction on Open Hearings and Privacy for more details on how to do this.

You can also purchase transcripts of a hearing. Please contact We will tell you which court reporting company to contact.

Before providing the transcript to anyone other than the parties, the Tribunal will review the transcript to remove information covered by a publication ban or that would disclose patient health records or personal health information.

Who has the burden of proof in a Tribunal hearing?

In a merits hearing, the College has the burden of proof and must prove the allegations of misconduct or incompetence.

In a reinstatement application, the former member has the burden of proof and must prove their reinstatement is suitable.

What standard of proof applies?

The standard of proof in all Tribunal hearings is proof on a balance of probabilities, which is different from the criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. For example, this means the College must show it is more likely than not that the alleged misconduct happened.

Where do I go for information about how to make a complaint or to consult the College's public register

College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario:

College of Chiropodists of Ontario:

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:

College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario:

What is the HPDT?

Some of Ontario’s 26 health colleges have decided to share resources and processes for their discipline tribunals. They have a common chair, experienced adjudicators and Rules of Procedure. HPDT (Health Professions Discipline Tribunals) refers to this group of tribunals but is not a legal entity. Each HPDT Tribunal is the discipline committee of the respective health college. Current HPDT members are the Ontario Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Discipline Tribunal, the Ontario Chiropodists and Podiatrists Discipline Tribunal, the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal, the Ontario Registered Psychotherapists Discipline Tribunal and the Discipline Committee of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.